
Abigail's Notes of Joy

Pianist and Music Composer

Hi, I'm Abigail Johnson, a pianist and piano teacher with a passion for creating God-glorifying music.  I specialize in sacred music, and enjoy writing hymn arrangements and Bible verse songs.  In addition, I create original compositions for my students' spring recital each year.  If you enjoy my hymn arrangements and compositions, I invite you subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Notes of Joy Piano Studio Private Piano Lessons

Abigail's Notes of Joy Shop Music Teaching Products

YouTube Channel Music Videos

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Quick Tips for Composing Classical Hymn Arrangements

03.07.2017 Article

Introduction: One of my hobbies is creating piano pieces that beautifully combine both familiar hymns with classical masterpieces.  When I first started creating classical hymn arrangements, I used this basic framework (begin with an excerpt of the classical piece, weave in the hymn tune, and finish with another excerpt of the classical piece) as a guide.  Looking back, I now realize my creativity and originality were hindered by not arranging the classical piece. Last year, my music ...

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